“What seems to be the problem?” A car mechanic and a doctor alike will listen to a list of symptoms and proceed to diagnose the problem. These symptoms are signs that say, “Something’s not right.” In the same way, a body would ache, so too our world groans. Being cursed and corrupted as a result of man’s rebellion, creation is crying out: viral infections (i.e., COVID19), violence, glorified fiction of evil, death, etc. are all symptoms, signs saying, “Something’s not right with this world.” Through Christ’s blood, God has reconciled all things to Himself, but not in a final sense (Col 1:19-20). Though as Paul explains, He one day will! We, with creation, groan and eagerly wait for that day! If we do indeed have hope in Christ, in His second coming, we persevere with deep longings to live, knowing that this world is not our home. To ignore symptoms is foolishness; to disregard signs saying “danger!” is recklessness. This virus, one of many aches and pains of a corrupted world, testifies that this world is not home. This virus has crippled routines and threatened sources of security. I wonder if God, in His infinite grace, is revealing the objects of our false worship? I wonder if God, in His great mercy, is reorienting the direction of our wayward hearts? God is always at work, even in this global groan, for his glory and the good of those who love him. He is bidding us to turn our eyes once again to the cross, to set our minds once again on Jesus, to point our gaze once again towards our real home, urging us to set our minds on things above (Col 3:1-4). Our Lord is soon coming. May He in grace help us live as we believe it.